A fresh meal delivered with a warm smile does a lot to lift the spirits of homebound residents! Drivers deliver hot meals over the noon hour, with routes usually taking less than sixty minutes. You may sign up for as many days as you have available when it is our week to drive. Diamond Lake has been an active member of South Minneapolis Meals on Wheels since 1974. Contact Paul Groskreutz to be added to the list.
The Mother Jeanette Frazier Food Shelf at New Creations Ministries provides a three-day supply of food for households in the metro area. Every Monday, two shifts are available: the 3–5 pm workers prepare boxes and set up the distribution tables, and the workers from 5–7 pm distribute food to those in need.
Diamond Lake accepts items for ongoing needs on behalf of New Creations, including diapers (all sizes), baby wipes, deodorant, shampoo, body wash, feminine products, and other personal care items. Donations can be dropped off in the chest outside of the church office.
Over 300,000 children in Minnesota live in food insecurity, never knowing if they will have food for their next meal. Every Meal is working to combat this issue, focusing on the weekend food gap from Friday to Monday when children aren't able to receive school meals. Diamond Lake is partnering with Barton Elementary School to distribute meal bags at the school to children who need them every Friday afternoon. One or two people can usually get this done in about an hour. We also participate in occasional packing events at the Roseville warehouse. If your schedule does not allow for you to deliver meal bags, we welcome donations. Just $323 covers the costs of one student per school year.
Do you like hosting meals for an appreciative crowd? Sunday Suppers, an initiative with Trust Inc., offers entertainment and supper one Sunday a month in the Lakeview Room. This free event is for members and friends of Diamond Lake Church, as well as the greater community. The entertainment begins at 4 pm and supper is from 5–6 pm. Workers are needed for setup and clean up.
Welcome Home is a program for women with young children who are moving out of homelessness and into stable housing. Our partnership with the Lutheran Social Services Family Program assists in creating warm, welcoming environments for the families in an apartment building in south Minneapolis. Prior to a new family moving in, our Welcome Home team furnishes the apartment, provides household items, and fills the refrigerator and cupboards with food and supplies. In addition, few fun activities are planned throughout the year such as a bingo night, a Christmas party, and a barbecue to provide opportunities for entertainment and connection.
Midweek meals are invaluable for busy families with kids in confirmation classes, youth musical rehearsals, or adults (and some kids!) attending the Wednesday night educational events. Pete does the cooking, but you can help set up and serve the meal and/or clean up afterwards.
Do you enjoy throwing parties? Special events throughout the year include the Fall Festival, the Christmas decorating party, the progressive dinner, the youth musical dinner, and so much more. This is a great way to meet more people while using your talents on these fun events.
The office can always used extra hands for stuffing envelopes, sorting paperwork, applying mailing labels, and so much more.
This team works together to host receptions in the Lakeview Room following funeral or memorial services. The group sets beautiful dining tables, arranges the food and beverage tables, assists in serving meals and desserts, and then tidies afterwards. Choose when to participate as your schedule allows.
Do you love to bake? Cake bakers provide cakes free of charge for receptions. Contact Kristine Spanier to be added to either list (or both).
Do you love paper crafting? All skill levels are welcome in the Greeting Card ministry. The group makes unique and thoughtful cards for our church members at times of illness, death, baptism, and confirmation. The group also makes cards for those who are homebound during the holidays, for youth and senior birthdays, and for notes of appreciation and other special occasions. The group contributes cards to a nonprofit cancer outreach program as well. Card makers meet on the fourth Wednesday of every month from 11–1:30 in the North Woods room. All ideas and supplies are provided. Contact Barb Swanson to be added to group announcements.
Our knitters lovingly and prayerfully knit shawls for friends and members of Diamond Lake. They are given for a variety of reasons including illness, surgery, hospice care, rehabilitation, comfort, loss of a loved one, or for those who are homebound. The group also knits shawls for each new Welcome Home family. Yarn and needles are available! Contact Lynne Soderlund for more information.
The quilting group designs, sews, and binds beautiful quilts to give to residents at Welcome Home, veterans in transitional housing, and others in need of warmth and care. All skill levels are welcome in this group. If sewing isn't your thing, cutting fabric, assembling, and tying are all tasks in need of helping hands. Quilters meet every Tuesday from 10–2 in the lower-level Fellowship Hall. Join as your schedule allows. Contact Norma Williams for more information.